Our mahi

Our work areas:


Birth Trauma Aotearoa advocates on matters regarding birth trauma, whānau wellbeing, the maternity sector and any other areas which may impact upon birth trauma occurrence or support following trauma.


Whenever possible we attend events or facilitate media in order to educate and share information and lived experience regarding birth trauma.


Research regarding birth trauma is hugely lacking, particularly within the Aotearoa context.
We have many projects we can see need completing, so we, practitioners and the birth trauma community can have a clear picture of birth trauma here in Aotearoa New Zealand.
We are involved in various kōrero with researchers regarding birth trauma-related projects and we are nurturing opportunities to develop further projects.

Please be in touch if you are considering birth trauma-related research. 


Our key support resource at present is the My Birth Story website.
You can find it here: www.mybirthstory.org.nz

We are also in the process of planning in-person, regional support wānanga (workshops) for members of the birth trauma community. These are funding dependent as we wish to keep cost minimal for those attending.

Please keep an eye on our Facebook page for more information.

Birth Trauma Aotearoa works in the birth trauma space across Aotearoa New Zealand.

Our mahi (work) includes both physical and psychological birth-related trauma during all stages of birth - pregnancy, labour and birth, and early post-partum. 

What we do

  • Submissions towards the Pae Ora Bill, the ACC Maternal Birth Injury Bill, the Women’s Health Strategy.

  • Campaigned to various Members of Parliament regarding birth trauma, prevalence, support and, importantly, solutions.

  • Attending hui where we’ve highlighted birth trauma, for example the Royal Australia & New Zealand College of Obstetricians & Gyencologists’ Women+ Health Summit, which contributed towards the Women’s Health Strategy.

  • Attending maternal mental health hui, for example, the Āhurutia Te Rito parliamentary roundtable; Plunket’s Maternal Mental Health hui..

  • Advocated and educated at maternity sector conference.

  • Engaging the research sector to encourage, and begin to facilitate, birth trauma research.

What We’ve Achieved so far

  • Contributed as a member of ACC’s Expert Advisory Group regarding Maternal Birth Injury cover. We have been advocating in this group for mothers/birthing parents and whānau to be held at the centre of decision making.

  • Seminar talks, for example, for Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Aotearoa.

  • Media articles to highlight the birth trauma issue, raise awareness and help to fight the shame/stigma related to physical and psychological birth trauma.

  • Contributed towards book chapters, magazine articles and online stories.

  • Built a significant network with other individuals and organisations working in Aotearoa.

All of these media pieces, events and hui provide an opportunity for Birth Trauma Aotearoa to “fly the birth trauma flag”, to say to change-makers, birth trauma is real, it’s prevalent, and, importantly, the birth trauma community deserves support; we deserve change.