50 for 50, for birth trauma awareness

Over Birth Trauma Awareness Week, 2023, Birth Trauma Aotearoa will launch it’s inaugural awareness-raising campaign called ‘50 for 50’.

50 for 50 invites you to do 50 of something to acknowledge the 50 birthing people per day that report their birth experience as emotionally negative or traumatic.

You can choose the 50 things you do so it can be as big or as simple as you like!
Your 50 could be private or shared far and wide; you can do it solo or with friends. 

The 50 for 50 campaign acknowledges and honours the community of Māmā, birthing parents and whānau across Aotearoa who leave birth feeling physically or emotionally broken.

Examples of things to do include biking 50kms, spending 50 seconds longer in the shower, planting 50 seeds, 50 minutes of mindfulness, baking 50 cupcakes, asking 50 friends to donate $1 each, raranga for 50mins, closing your eyes for 50 seconds, doing 50 yoga poses, pushing your little one for 50 pushes on the swing, talking to 5 friends for 10minutes each - the options are endless and your 50 can fit in with your life.

If you would like to raise funds while doing your 50 for 50, you can donate these to Birth Trauma Aotearoa here: 06 0746 0782969 00

To follow the 50 for 50 campaign, find us on Facebook: Birth Trauma Aotearoa


Election 2023